The New Normal (Year 2023-2024)
Getting inspired from the Dutch-styled still lifes, this series is my personal observation and testimony of the three pandemic years I spent in NYC. Suddenly in March 2020 the unthinkable happened, we were told to stay home to save lives, to wear surgical masks and disposable gloves to go buy groceries; a terrible virus (Covid 19) was out there, and no one knew how to stop it. It was the beginning of a new pandemic. Hospitals were suddenly overcrowded, and for the next two years our way of living had to change. The "new normal" was not normal. In this series starting from a classical composition, inspired by the Dutch style of still life, as we go through the images we notice subtle changes. Images progress into becoming chaotic, excessive and messy, as the new normal installs itself in our habits. Eventually in 2022 we started to slowly overcome the deadly virus, and finally on May 11th 2023 it was marked as the end of the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency declaration. Reflecting on those years, my work expresses our lonliness, sadness, and unsetting of the pandemic years, but also the resiliency, desire and beauty that reside within us. ( Year 2023-2024) The artwork “Communal expansion” has received the “ Philip Isenberg Memorial Award”, from SCNY in May 2024.