Under the surface - it's 2020
"Under the surface - it's 2020" is a new series where I imagined animals exploring the deserted street of New York during the pandemic. History teaches us representation of animals in art. The human had represented the world around him, and so also the other animal species, since he begun to draw bisonts on a cave wall. Later on animals were represented mainly into two categories : food or Gods, like in ancient Egypt. Since artists treated the subject in many different ways. In this series a zebra is resting in a early post pandemic setting. In a urban barren landscape animated only by animals transcends historical determinacy, creating a crossroad between ancient and contemporary, foreshadowing a world that is no longer existing, a new normal is there. This series is a work in progress with cyanotypes printing trechnique, a 170 year old photographic printing process. (Year 2022)